Saturday, November 6, 2010

being an only child

As those of you that know me...I am an only child. I've realized that being an only child has definitely played a difference into what kind of character I am. I have always been interested in birth order kind of things. Like that the older child is independent, the middle child is a bit of an outcast, and the youngest is the party child. I do feel that being an only child has given me a lot of independence. Living alone I've noticed that I can pretty much do whatever I want whenever I want. I feel this has also left me with the inability to recognize the feelings of other issues and I think sometimes people mistake my feelings for being snobby. Often I have been in situations when I return home with my parents and if I want to leave here, I go. But in those situations I have to think about all the people there, and if someone else still wants to stay then I have to. I think that this clearly is weird for me, and I'm afraid my parents may mistake my frustration because I try to keep these feelings internal. Sometimes I don't even mind staying. I hate when you don't really care about something, like if you get roped into doing something...thinking that you hate it they constantly are asking if something is ok. I realize that you always respond with that high voice that is so misleading because often your voice goes up when you lie. I've had a tough time trying to say what I want to say. Basically, I think being an only child has made me a little self-centered.

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