Friday, September 17, 2010

I have no voice

I mean this only in the physical sense. I physically cannot speak at the present time. I feel that perhaps it is because of the amount of drinking on frosh week. I was never out of control though, it was just the consistency. I have made it to all my classes. But tuesday, the virus struck. I woke up feeling a little weird and it got worse as the day went on. It was really only a snip in the background. Then Wednesday I woke up and started to worry. That night we were over at sylvias and it sounded pretty bad. I had an oregano oil shot and that helped so I have been trying to keep that up. The worst part though is the fact that everyone is making fun of me. I started off having the unusually high voice and now I have gone to nothing. I have also had the of passing this along to becky as well. My bad. It really came to a bad point tonight when I was at a zumba party (we're down in t-burg) and I just felt so awful and got over heated and just could not dance. I tried way to much to be a hero.

So school has started this week. And I have began that freakout about the rest of my life again. I want to do something that I'm good at. I have also been taking an entrepreneurship (mandatory) class and it's really forced me to evaluate so many things. I have always thought of myself in two ways. As really cool, and how could people not want to hire me, but then I always get humble and think that I have nothing to offer. I know that I probably won't get a "dream job" when I first graduate, but I have no idea what I even want to work for. I think that ideally I would like to work at a fashion magazine or in the music industry, which really now has become an entertainment industry. I'd also love to be a writer. My skills don't even reflect the type of major I have. I'm a good listener, so I think HR (the therapist of the business world) no thanks. I also do really enjoy marketing but I don't think that I have an innovative enough mind. I am excited though because I have joined a program at school called mentorship plus. I'm going to be matched up with a brock alumni who was in business and that will give me some sort of idea of what I'm going to do. I will also be a mentor for someone who is in first year and help guide them. (great for resume padding). I am also going to a networking breakfast with the school. Should be interesting....

talk (write) to you later

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