Saturday, September 11, 2010

I throw my hands up in the air....but only sometimes

Last night I went out to stella's here in st. kitts. It was a pretty great night. I feel like a goal has been accomplished. I have always wnted to be the person that started the dance floor and tonight I was able to do that! Becky and I got there and showed our skills, surprisingly with less alcohol than one would expect from me. I guess I'm just becoming for comfortable dancing in public. I hate though when you are the only ones dancing and everyone around the dance floor is looking at you, to scared to make their own moves.

Then later we went out for a smoke with scoot and jeff (yeff?) and some guy comes up to us and says "hey you guys started the dance floor" .."Yeah that was us", Cool alright glad he recognized our accomplishment. Then he continues (this is the losing part) "You guys can come back in and grind up on me later" ...No I won't. I respect that you have the guts to say that but no, absolutely not. Then he found us!!!! and we ran away from him ha ha ha.

Then later I talked with some people about being dutch and german, this brings me to something I've been meaning to mention all summer. I don't think I know specifically what I am, like when someone asks, where are you from? I don't know the answer. Do I dulve into the entire mennonite history. Do I even say mennonite? Last night I stuck with just german, because I had no desire to be anything else. Do I get to pick and choose because the family has moved around so much?I could be dutch, french, russian, ukrainian. Maybe I'll just say european. That seems like a bit of a skeezy answer. So here's the question of the day for you that actually comment (manny, josh lol). What are we? (note: these two are also members of the mennonite community)


  1. Hmm good question. I claim to be Dutch because that's where my Family began! My name's Dutch. Though I see your point, I could claim to be Russian, German, or English lol!

  2. I'll comment too, as I am part of the Menno crew too. Considering so many other people can stake claim to being part this-part that, I think we can too: I'm German-Dutch (although my last name and mom's maiden last name are both Dutch...Reijmers) although I could be Russian, German, Dutch, Russian, or even slightly Jewish.
    Mazel Tov!

  3. I always say Winnipeg, and then I proceed to tell the person that Winnipeg is the Slurpee capital of the world!!!
