Monday, September 13, 2010

row row row your boat

I got to do something I have really wanted to do for a while yesterday, and that is row. Living in St. Kitts I am able to have the unique experience of having a professional rowing course. I may have mentioned that there were masters here a few weekends ago as well. My aunt and uncles are all rowers themselves, some in a rec league and one uncle who is in an old man ass kicking league. So there was a just for fun rowing event yesterday and so our family decided to enter a team. Being my first time, it was very interesting. We were definitely the least experienced team out there, but I'm sure we had the most fun, actually I don't think my one cousin had the greatest time, she was swearing just a little bit...It was frustrating for both of us because we had never done it before and there were all sorts of words that I had no idea what was going on. It's also difficult because obviously you need to stay in sync with other members of the boat. You also need to make sure that you are getting your oar out of the water in time or it will stay in the water and take you out. That didn't happen to me to often because I was lucky enough to pop my oar out in time, but I had to watch out for my cousin behind me. All in all I would do it again. Here are some pictures of me from the day. Looking at these I forgot how pale I am!

Also, I cannot even begin to describe how many sports games I have watched recently. Living with boys, that is all I do!

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