Monday, December 19, 2011


As per usual, I am writing exams until one of the very last days. Do I ever get a break....twice I have - but not this year.

During exams facebook always drives me crazy because there are an added amount of useless, uninspired, non-entertaining updates. And 87.35% of them have something to do with either procrastinating, hating exams, or giving us a status update on how many days until their next exam or how many exams they have completed.

No one gives a shit about your exams. Like obviously you don't like person does. Not once have I ever been like, 'yeah, this exam is awesome - I had so much writing it'. No I'd rather stay at home and watch an entire season of top chef instead of studying. That's not weird - that's normal.

But every person in university seems to think that they are the first person not to study for an exam. Dumb people - we all avoid studying like the plague...except Germans, they study a lot!