Thursday, December 22, 2011

I thought I was a nice person....

You know how they say shitty things happen to good people, or that God sets out challenges that we are able to face.

I guess I must be a good person - and that God must really love me (obvs...)

Twice in one week this time. So as you may or may not know, I'm travelling for the next three weeks around Germany, Holland and a little bit of Austria with my parents. I am one of those people that has way to many clothes and the fact that I'm going to be living here for the next four months after my trip means that I need a substantial wardrobe because I'm the kind of person that needs a lot of variety in my wardrobe. This also poses a great challenge for packing what I want to leave behind for the next three weeks but that's a whole other story.

So anyways - I have to leave these forsaken clothes behind somewhere and so within the first few weeks of me being here I asked my German roommate if it was possible that I could leave it with problem she says. So there were two times this semester already where she has done a major flake out and just been completely inconsiderate in leaving me behind and not letting me know important information. This was time number three and she moved to another apartment last wednesday because our area is so far from everything and if I was staying here longer I would consider doing the same thing. So I had talked to her on the day she was moving out about when would be a good time. She said she was leaving on monday evening or possibly tuesday so I said I'd text her to ask when a good time would be to come over. ..

So monday rolls around and I have an exam at 10:30 that morning so that's my one concern. Afterwards I send her a text to find out when I should come. Meanwhile on sunday I (sylvia) packed up all my stuff so that I could go when I needed to. Not everything was packed, but nearly everything. So then monday at 3:00 pm I get a text saying that she's leaving in an hour. That is not nearly enough time or warning. It just makes me mad because she knew that I needed to rely on her for this, and I felt like I was getting screwed because there was no way I could make it in time.

Luckily we know more people that live in Mannheim - so I made an emergency call, and my bag has a safe home for the christmas break!

I'll let you go get a beer so you can join along in my drinking away my pain...and the continuation of the story will happen next

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