Friday, December 16, 2011

first world problems?

So todays post inspiration comes from a very odd place...

This morning at around 5:17 my body decided that despite the fact I stayed up until 1:00 am watching old episodes of top chef just deserts it was a fine time to be awake. The worst thing for me is in the middle of the night when you have to pee and you just don't want to get out of bed. I used my better judgement and got up and 'did my thing' and got back to my room only to realize that there was no chance of me falling back asleep for a while.

So like a normal person I watched a little bit more top chef and realized that sleep certainly wasn't going to come. I knew it was going to come later which was going to take away from my study time so I reviewed through my notes a little bit. It was during this study period that I heard this screaming and I was like 'no d, it's like 5 in the morning, you are tired and hearing things.' I even went as far as to look outside, but I saw nothing.

This reminds me of a study that was conducted a number of years ago in which researches played a recording of a crying baby in an apartment building and no one came to check to see if there was anything wrong. I thought that I was going to be that person who falls into the 'heartless' category.

I was also freaking out a little bit because recently in our apartment someone came and knocked on the door to ask if we had seen anything suspicious happening because someone had kicked down the front door of her apartment and her room was unlocked - so they went in and stole her computer and other electronics and her keys.

My first thought was....this girl is getting raped.

When you watch scary movies, or at least when I do, I always get mad at the main character because they always have to go investigate, which always leads to something terrible and I always think, why would anyone go investigate. I didn't want to join that demographic as well and decided that it must have been me just imagining in my somewhat sleep.

So I went with my instincts and chose not to investigate because there were no other suspicious noises. Well that's not totally true...I did hear some knocking sounds, but I said - nope not my problem.

So I killed a little bit more time and eventually fell asleep for about an hour and ten minutes. I would have slept longer, except for the fact that the maid, whom we haven't seen in weeks decided to come and clean at 7:40. Now I don't mind the fact that the maid cleans....really it's better than me doing it - but the problem is, our maid doesn't clean. I would describe her technique more as tossing water onto the floor and rubbing it around. To be honest I don't even know if she uses any cleaning products. I'm the worst cleaner of all time and I could do a better job than her. When syls mom was here, she watched the maid clean and this lady used the same cloth to clean the toilet as she did the sink. That's gross. And she always leaves the floor a sticky mess. But the worst...the very worst part is that she is so damn loud. It's ok if it's any time after say...8:30 because that's reasonable working hours in Germany. But if it is before this time - I'm not amused.

This morning she was doing an above average job at keeping the volume at a motivational level, as in - you shouldn't be sleeping, get up and study. All the crashing and banging, in my opinion does not make you clean any better. When you mop there is no need to throw the mop as hard as you can at my door.

This loudness has always been an issue with these maids but I just deal with it because I appreciate the job they do for me, but today I had enough. I came into the kitchen and in some broken german tried to tell her to shut it...she looked at me like she'd never heard broken german in her life. I was pissed - but now I had to be awake so I came a little bit later (after she'd left, if she was still there I would have sat in the kitchen and glared) and made water. Then I heard that the window was open a little and it sounded like a scream and I was like...that makes sense, I'm not crazy and I found a great sense of relief.

I then came into the kitchen a while later for the second cup of coffee and the other girls were up by this time. Syl came and discussed with me this sound that we had heard. She was aware of the screaming as well, and had the same immediate reaction. Then she heard someone I had no idea what happened. I still don't have any further incentive to investigate.

I don't know why I needed such a long post for such a mundane story. You're welcome if you used this to procrastinate from studying.

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