Thursday, December 29, 2011


So I'm going to put off again telling you what I'm actually doing in Germany. Well a little bit

So last week I complained about the fact that I got invited to someone's place to check it out and right before I got there he told me it was rented - that is after I had already travelled an hour....

So I found another place and I was so excited because they sent me a message saying that we could meet today. So I arrived at the house, about 3 minutes early which according to my cool schedule that's alright with me. So I get in and they are all just laughing away and they all introduce themselves, and the conversation is all in german and they progress to english so I can understand. There's this other girl that I don't really get introduced to and it takes me about half this 'interview' to realize that this is a group interview and she is looking at living at the house as well...damn.

I hate being in competitions against other people because I'm very concerned with my first impression because it seems to be a bit of a hit or miss situation. Some people like me and others are not so excited. I'm ok if people don't like me, but I am aware that I'm a little bit strange as well.

It's just frustrating trying to find a house right now - luckily I have a place to crash that isn't underneath a bridge. I'm trying out couch that should be interesting.

I'm now at starbucks because our hotel doesn't have internet...what kind of nice hotel in the 21st century doesn't have internet...not even with a cabel!

So I need to now find a place to live...and then change my ticket...

I just need  to remember that it's all worth it!

By the way just got to encounter a fun little situation in which this family came upstairs in the starbucks and clearly couldn't find a place to sit and naturally I'm going to sit anywhere there's a place free and so I'm at a table for three...I don't care. There is just enough room for my computer and maybe another mug, they were not impressed that I didn't move.

Just let me write my blog!

1 comment:

  1. This summer when I was moving out of my old house and desperately trying to find a place to live, I aaalmost slept in my car one night. It's stressful, I know! But I'm glad I didn't have to speak another language to find a new place...
