Saturday, March 10, 2012

Future jobs

So I have been starting to think about my future - actually I'm pretty sure if you read the past blogs this has been something on my mind for a while...

I also realize that it's likely that I'm not going to have the luxury of being able to pick and choose all these wonderful jobs. I'm going to likely have to take one of the first jobs that I get.

But I think that there are a lot of companies that I'm just not going to work for simply because I'm not going to be able to work for a company that I can't stand behind. For example - if walmart offered me some wonderful purchasing and sourcing jobs that paid a lot of money I would not be able to do that, simply because of the ethics of the company. I think there needs to be a point that I'm not going to cross. I think something very important for me is to maintain integrity and even though my job is something that I believe should be separate from my real life but I also want to know that I'm helping to improve the lives of people.

This naturally leads to the question - why work in a business setting at all? Corporations are evil!! They manipulate you into thinking that you need things that you don't.

Lots to think about....

1 comment:

  1. Tell me about it. I work for a clothing corporation and I often have a hard time dealing with selling people stuff they don't actually need just to make the dollar...
