Sunday, March 25, 2012

new life move??

So I have a little history to start off with - although I'm sure I have already told many of you this before.  I always told my mother I would get my ears pierced when I was 8 but decided to be a bad ass and go at 7. Then I think when I was like 12 or 13 (I think, confirm this mom) I wanted to be cool like the older girls and get my cartilage like the older cool girls pierced. I then got a second set in both ears, actually I had three holes in each ear, one was just the cartilage. So Then my dad used to flick the cartilage earring and it would bleed and hurt - like even talking on the phone was a task - That was my good ear!!

I decided to let it grow in.

Then in my third year of university I was like screw this, I want my earring back. My dad can't bother me when I live in Ontario. So of course this happens during exam period which is when all your best decisions happen. I guess I seemed to make it a tradition because in fourth year I decided to give myself a whole new whole. I just a whack-ton of hand sanitizer and worked that little puppy through an entirely new whole, about mid-distance from top to bottom, on the opposite side. My friends thought I was nuts, but no infection or nothing, and to this day I have only taken it out once, only because I I have never taken this out.

So it's getting close to the earring anniversary, I'm only writing one exam (let's not talk about the school aspect of my life), and I don't know if I should 'celebrate' with body decoration or even take the earrings right out. I feel like I will feel funny if I take them out, but I also feel that they may not be the most professional looking nose rings. I know that you can get away with a lot more stuff when you are a kid because you are young and are allowed to have these silly things. But now that I'm graduating, or expect it time for me to put away these small things.

Anyone want to weigh in.

It gives me anxiety to think about taking them out, and it's so small and so miniscule.

Screw it I'm getting a back piece.

1 comment:

  1. Hahaha, I dunno. I've taken my earrings out and left them out for months, but every so often I check to see if my ears still have holes... They do. So I have my ears still pierced but I never wear earrings... So maybe you could take them out, and only wear them when you want to. Good luck with the back piece lol.
